Daily Archives: October 29, 2012

Aqiqa ceremony of Sarfraz Iqbal Abbasi’s son

Mr. Iqbal alias Sarfraz Abbasi arranged a party regarding Aqiqa ceremony for his 1st son namely Mustafa Hussain at village Ismail Shah Kalhoro near Naudero, Larkana on Monday 29th October 2012 accordingly 12th Zul Haj 1433 Hijri by the late eventide. Pagdar Haji Munawar Ali

Colonel Zahid Kalhoro arranges party

Colonel Zahid Husain Kalhoro arranged a party on Monday 29th October 2012 accordingly 12th Zul Hajj 1433 Hijri on the occusion of his nephews’ cicumcissions at village Muhammad Bakhsh Phalio Kalhoro near Ripri Tagro. Dr. Mustafa Husain Kalhoro Taagrraai and his